Facebook is a leading social networking site crowded with more than a billion active users. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 with an idea of a platform that enables you to send messages and post status updates to stay in touch with friends and family. You can also share various types of content, like images and links. But sharing something on Facebook is distinguished from other types of online communication. Facebook is the largest social media platform with almost 2.5 billion monthly active users. In this article, we are going to explain how to create an amazing Facebook profile as well as the benefits of it.

Growth of Facebook

With nearly 1.5 billion daily active users, Facebook is by far the biggest social media platform in the world. Facebook has been consistently growing all over the world and it has only grown bigger after Facebook acquired Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook also helps business people to target their potential customers. There are many new features that have been added in recent years and many more are expected to be released in 2020.

Why Facebook is important in 2020.

It doesn’t matter what your online advertising strategy is, Facebook should be an important part of it. Facebook has a highly engaging audience that is more likely to share, comment, or like a post they enjoy. Furthermore, it gives you a scale that no other platform can provide. The Facebook Ads trend for 2020 will be both positive and negative. But the good news is that Facebook wants its advertisers to be successful so they can keep making that money. That means they will provide better tools to make ad campaigns more efficient and give advertisers additional opportunities to connect with their target audience.

What is a Facebook business profile? 

The business profile is intended to be a summary of your business. It should give readers a quick overview of your business, including your values and objectives, so readers can get an instant feel for what you’re doing and where you’re going.

Step by step guide to creating a Facebook account

Always keep your profile up-to-date so that your contacts are in the loop about changes in your work, education, or hobbies. When you first sign up for Facebook, your profile will be empty, but that will quickly change using the profile editing feature. Most of the profile information is editable and Facebook lets you edit your profile whenever you want. Following are the steps for setting up a Facebook profile:

1. Sign up 

Visit www.facebook.com, enter the required details, and click “Sign Up“.

2. Sign in to your Facebook account. 

Once you have reached the homepage, click on the “Edit My Profile” link at the top left corner, below your name link.

3. Go to basic information:

 Click the “Basic Information” tab in the left column of the screen to fill your personal information including your current city, gender, and birthday. Click “Save Changes”.

4. Choose a profile picture:

Go to the “Profile Picture” tab to add a photo to your profile, if you haven’t added previously. Click on the grey “Browse” button, opening a window displaying your computer’s hard drive. Steer to the location of the photo you want to select for your profile picture. Click on it once. Click “Open” to upload it as a profile picture.

5. Choose family and friends:

Click the “Friends and Family” tab to select a relationship status, using the pop-down menu at the top of the screen. To connect your profile with a member of your family, start typing her name in the “Family” section. As you type, Facebook will search for people on your friend list that match your entry. Click your family member’s name when it appears and uses the menu to the right of her name to select your relationship. If your family member doesn’t have a Facebook account, just enter the name manually. Click “Save Changes.”

6. Add education and work:

Click the “Education and Work” and “Philosophy” button to enter your employer, school, religious, and political affiliation details. You can also add your likeable quotations under the “Philosophy” tab. Again, click “Save Changes”.

7. Choose activities:

Use the “Arts and Entertainment,” “Sports” and “Activities and Interests” tabs to fill out the information about what media and activities you are engaged in. After you type a piece of information, into a suitable field, Facebook will automatically attach a thumbnail photo if one exists in the site’s database. Click “Save Changes” below every tab.

8. Contact information:

Use the “Contact Information” tab to give a telephone number, address, email, and website details. Click “Save Change” when you are done.

Checklist to ensure effective and complete Facebook Account
Here we have a handy list to ensure the effective completion of Facebook accounts. Go through it and complete your Facebook profile.

  • Pick a name:
    Facebook helps its users to customize the addresses of their Facebook profiles with Facebook usernames. Facebook usernames make it much more convenient for someone to find you on Facebook. Instead of being just another number, your Facebook username produces a unique and recognizable identifier for you that your friends can easily type into their browsers’ address bars. Facebook has always wanted people to use their real names on their accounts so that their friends can find them and connect with them more quickly. An account with a username is easier to remember and locate.
  • Pick a vanity URL
    The display of URLs on Facebook is very important for a business. You can’t actually set one until you meet certain requirements. You can also run into a lot of issues setting one, Amidst all of the existing guidelines, and the fact that Facebook is old enough to have the most common names claimed already. If you want to easily promote your Facebook Page, you need a URL that is easy to put into emails and on fliers. You need a vanity URL.
  • Update your About section:
    Make sure you tell your story to your profile visitors. The links in your “About Page” are clickable, so add links to your personal blogs and favorite stuff on the internet. 
  • Create meaningful cover photo:
    Your 851×315 cover photo will tell your prospective followers about your likes or dislikes. Do not skimp on this step. Avoid too many copies, and make sure you follow Facebook’s rules on what can go into a cover photo.
  • Use an engaging profile photo:
    The engaging profile photo will help your profile visitors identify you. Your cover photo is important for the first impression, but your profile photo is what your friends and connections will see every day. Make sure you think about it before coming to any decision. Think about what you want you to want to be perceived as before uploading the profile picture.

It is very important to have an impactful Facebook profile. For your business, it can increase your conversion rate by bringing new leads and helping you to convert them into your customers. The usage of Facebook will boom in the future and so will Instagram. For more information, read our blog Checklist to complete your Instagram profile in 2020.

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