Top Digital Marketing Trends To Watch For In 2021

2020 was the most unpredictable year for digital marketers and businesses. eCommerce sales soared, people spent a lot more time on their social media accounts, and video conferencing became typical. More of such changes are expected in 2022 as well. Digital marketing agencies should know that in 2022 the top digital advertising trends will revolve around two things-

  1. Addressing real issues and tailoring content that suits your clients’ needs for more personal engagement.
  2. Technical optimization, fine-tuning areas like SEO, PPC, and how you structure campaigns for them.

To outline your 2022 digital marketing strategy, Publicity Port has arrived with the hottest digital marketing trends that will rule in 2022. Let’s have a look at them.

Virtual is the real deal

Virtual events started as a necessity out of the pandemic, but companies soon realized that virtual is at par, if not better than in-person meetings, in terms of market outreach and cost-saving. Your clients can access their prospects via emailing, telecommunications, webinars, social media, blogging and whatnot. This trend is expected to escalate since it enables businesses to connect better with their buyers for improved brand awareness.

More focus on Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging trend in planning digital marketing strategies that allow brands to give their customers unique experiences with the convenience of tapping into their mobile devices through which consumers make purchase decisions while interacting with brands. AR tools allow customers to view and interact with products from a high-level overview of a granular inspection of individual components. By bringing the product into the meeting room, augmented reality allows customers greater access to the information they need to make a decision. AR is expected to rule the digital marketing sector in the coming years.

Customer experience will be a top priority

Being a digital marketer implies that you have to design web pages so they enhance visitors’ overall experience and provide them with the best UX/UI while browsing your website. If they face any issues such as slow loading pages or content is not mobile-friendly, they will not hesitate to bounce back from the site. Hence, 2022 will be more inclined towards improving user’s interaction and making their online visit a seamless experience for better engagement.

Voice and visual searches will surge

Voice search is expected to prevail in 2022 and visual search methods will also rise to the top. This means marketers will need to focus on SEO for voice and image searches as audio and visuals will become increasingly important. Voice search queries often yield different results than a text-based search. From an SEO perspective, it’s a good idea for businesses to adapt their strategies for modifying and aligning their keywords based on voice and image search queries.

Featured snippets are selected search results that are shown on top of Google’s organic results in a box and appear most commonly as a response to a query starting with- What, How, Why, or When. Featured snippets aim at answering the user’s question right away and is also referred to as “Position #0” because it appears above the traditional #1 spot in SERPs. If you’re able to get your content in the Featured Snippet, your organic click-through-rate can improve dramatically.

Social media channels will be used for making purchases

Until now, social media handles were used by companies for brand building and brand awareness. But in 2022, it is expected to simplify the purchase process for users so that they don’t have to leave an app while transacting. Platforms like Facebook are creating a simple and seamless path to purchase without having to change the platform. It will be exciting to watch businesses being able to sell via social media portal and we know that it is bound to happen soon.

The year 2020 has pushed brands to take a leap forward and create more human-centric ways of reaching their buyers. With 2022 taking over, we’ll see this trend continue. As a white label digital marketing company, Publicity Port makes sure that your clients get the latest and top-grade services that meet their bandwidth requirements and solve their pain points for long-term business benefits. Check out our website for more information on our white label digital marketing services.

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